Thanks for your interest in being a part of Scarborough Maine’s Buy Local movement! There are lots of opportunities to support Scarborough’s local organizations – just remember that every time you shop at a local store or support a local charity, you’re helping to sustain what makes Scarborough such a great place to live.

Become A Member: 

With over 100 Scarborough businesses as members, we are taking a pledge to buy local when possible & support each other to keep jobs & money in our town.

Become a volunteer 

Even if you can only spare a few hours a month, as a volunteer organization your help is critical. If you are interested please email:

Let’s Connect

Follow SBL on Facebook for the latest information, upcoming events & member news!

Come To Our Events: 

We have ongoing events at local businesses to bring our members together. If you’d like to join one, check out our events page for upcoming events. If you’d like to host one, reach out to any of the board members to let us know when would be good for you!

Jesse Fowler & Tracy talking at front of annual event for Scarborough Buy Local

Board Members

Jesse Fowler - Scarborough Buy Local Board
Jesse Fowler
Amanda Huebner
Amanda Huebner
Leroy Crocket - Scarborough Buy Local Board
Leroy Crocket
Vice President
Magdalena Slawiec - Scarborough Buy Local Board
Magdalena Slawiec
Catherine Morrison - Scarborough Buy Local Board
Catherine Morrison
Membership Coordinator
Barb McDonald - Scarborough Buy Local Board
Barb McDonald
Community Outreach

Buy Local Board Honoree

Dick Boardman - Scarborough Buy Local Board
Dick Boardman
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